
Monday, January 31, 2011

Effective Ways You Can Easily Make Money Online

Are you trying to locate effective ways that you can use to make money online, but are not having luck finding the one that is the right fit for you? Then you are in luck because you are about to find out some of the most effective ways that you can use to earn money online easily.
Here are the most effective ways to choose from.

1. Affiliate marketing - To help you earn money, there are literally thousands of affiliate programs that can be used. You want to take time to check out all of your options before choosing one or more programs to promote.
By doing a little research, you will easily be able to locate the affiliate programs that you like and that will be profitable for you to promote.
2. Business opportunities - There are so many different choices for business opportunities that you can use to start a business and earn money with. Again, you want to learn what your options are so you can easily locate the one that you will enjoy building a business with.
You need to take time to go over each opportunity carefully so you can locate the opportunity that will allow you to make the most money possible.
3. Information products - Did you know that there are many people that get online searching for informational products that they can use to help them make money or to help them learn information they need? You can locate profitable informational products that people are willing to purchase online and then start selling them.
Many of these products will provide you with an affiliate program that you can join and then start promoting them. So, basically you will be doing affiliate marketing and selling informational products all in one and this is always effective for making money because people are willing to pay for the information they need since they know the paid products will give them quality information.
4.Online Service business  - There are thousands of people that need services done for them online. If you are able to provide any of these services, then you can easily make money.
Some of the different services that people are willing to pay for include:

- Writers - Web design - Graphic design - Marketing services - Survey
These are just a small number of ways to make money online easily. Now that you have these in mind, you just need to decide which one is the smart choice for you. Just be sure you choose one that you will enjoy because this will make it so much easier to achieve success with it.
by Jeff Schuman:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Making Your Ideal Life a Reality

         Many persons throughout history have tried to study successful people in order to determine what qualities are necessary to achieve great things in life. These studies have yielded some useful observations about what it takes to become successful, such as self discipline, goal setting, and other skills. Before we get into the question of how one achieves success, however, we have to determine what success is. We suggest that your first step towards greater achievement in your life should be to describe your ideal life. Review each area of your life and ask yourself what you would improve if you had the opportunity. If there were no limitations to what you could achieve and you had everything you needed (including the right education, contacts, savings account or anything else you might need), what would you choose?

Let's start with your business endeavors. If you could choose any career, what would it be? What company would you like to work for in the next few years? Would you like to start your own business instead of working for someone else? Most importantly, once you determine an answer to these questions, you must ask yourself what you would need to do in order to make these dreams a reality.

You could continue and ask the same questions regarding your family situation, health and fitness levels, and financial circumstances. You could write down a list of dreams that covers each of these areas in more detail. Note down on a piece of paper what kind of house you would like to have, what kind of salary you would like to be making in a few years, what kind of health and fitness improvements you can make in your life, how much money you would like to have in the bank, and any other improvements you can think of. You can and should do this for each area of your life. Do not simply focus on the material things, but rather include some ideas of how you could improve your character and become a better person as well.
The answers to these important questions are not set in stone, and you can always come back to this list and revise it as necessary. The point is to get you thinking along the lines of how to improve your life. Once you begin to identify what you would like to change, the next step is to simply ask yourself what you would need to do in order to achieve these things. In this way, you can move from generalizations, dreams, and fantasies to more specific goals and ultimately a step-by-step plan that you will work on over the next several months and years.

 by:Jacob Lumbroso(an enthusiast for foreign languages, history, and foreign cultures.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Investige a Hacked Email Account

    It has become a very common problem for a persons email service to be hacked so that another person has access to your email account. In most cases this is done by an email spammer to send out spam emails. This way the spam is traced back to you and not to them and they can shield themselves from prosecution. These email spammers will usually hack into your email account by tricking you into revealing your passwords to them through the use of phishing or trojan emails. But there is another kind of hacked email account that can be far more invasive of your privacy. This kind of case involves a person that is in your life and wants to spy on you by reading all your private emails. It could be an current or ex spouse, an employee or a relative. But it is a person that wants to violate your privacy and read all of your confidential email correspondence. 
This kind of email hacker is far more dangerous as they have a personal interest in invading your privacy and the information they obtain can be used against you personally.
What are the Dangers of an Email Hacker?
- They can know who you're communicating with.
- They can follow you 
- They can learn all your secrets Signs of a Hacked Email Account: 
- Emails are marked read before you read them. 
- Emails are deleted before you read them. 
- People seem to know information they could only know from reading your mail. 
If you do an online search about dealing with a hacked email account most of the advice you'll encounter will center around changing passwords and reporting the offence to your ISP. This may be sound advice if you are dealing with a spammer but if you are dealing with the stalker type mentioned above you'll want to protect yourself from this potentially dangerous person.
You'll need to catch them in the act, document the offence and report them to the police. Just recently an estranged husband was arrested and faces 5 years in prison for reading his exwifes emails.
This can be accomplished with the help of a private investigator that has the experience and tools to investigate and document this offence and help prepare your case and even testify on your behalf. 
If you feel you're the victim of an email hacker and you're serious about seeking justice and restoring your privacy and security there are professionals you can turn to for help.
Ed Oppermaan is President Of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you suspect someone is reading your emails or you need a hacked email account investigation. Visit to locate or identify the hacker.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How to Avoid Typical Facebook Hacks Online

   Honestly,Not even Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook is necessarily safe. To lots of people all over the globe, this is bad news. However, being the top social network hotspot, it is highly unlikely that Facebook will not come face to face with online crooks and hackers. Not to mention other harassing spies that might consist of a person's wife, ex lover, or other inquiring parties.
The most often method used in scamming Facebook accounts is phishing. Here, people are tricked into entering their password or other critical data or information details into a fake Facebook login page found on the so-called phishing url. This tricky Facebook login page is typically made of an uploaded phishing script, which does not only simulate the appearance of the Facebook login url but also allows the phisher to save the given user's details as plain text, and thereafter permits the former to access the Facebook account. The Facebook users are then warned against logging into their FB accounts outside the official site that is facebook dot com. To be sure, one must only log into Facebook directly through the aforementioned official site.

Another problem area is inducing Facebook lock a specific account. Using only the specific account's email, this fraud consists of a robot that automatically and repeatedly tries to sign in to a Facebook account with the wrong information, which forces Facebook to lock out this particular account that not even its real owner can login. This is potentially more of an issue if the owner is away on a cruise to Jamaica or off with his or her family on one of those Disney package deals.Therefore, people are told not to share their email login information with anyone. Alternatively, they may share their account
A third FB hacking method is key logging. This involves the installation of a keylogger program, which allows all keystrokes to be remembered in a log file and to be sent directly to a specific location. Keylogging is made easier when the scammer has direct access to the person's computer. Therefore, everyone must be careful in using shared computers as well as in leaving their own computers and laptops unsecured.
A fourth FB hacking method is through personal request, which simply requires getting or asking for the login info or its security question directly from the customer. This is best choice for scammers when the parties involved or their intermediaries are acquaintances.

Lastly, there is the primary email address scamming attempt. Facebook hacking may be done once a person's log in email account has already been accessed. Here, the scammer can simply click on "Forgot Password", and can access the same from the previously hacked email account.
What multiplies the FB hacking problem is that there are now downloadable Facebook hacking software and Facebook scamming-to's that have been spreading online and which are freely and readily made available to the public.  The real info here is that everyone should always be vigilant about the security of his account information particularly the security info as well as in accessing only the actual, legitimate sites.
By: Justin Cooke ( author, business promoter, and internet marketer)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Download Free Movies Online

    If you wanted to to download free movies online would it be legal or not? That is the question many people ask me, and all I can answer is that it depends on the movies and their age. You can legally download public domain movies use file sharing software also known as peer to peer or P2P software. It's not the software that's illegal. It's what you use it for.
For example, if you use your car to race guys on the freeway at twice the speed limit it's not the car that's illegal, it's the way you use it. In fact, very little software is illegal - it's how people use it that can break the law, and people tend to use certain types of software more illegally than others. File sharing is one.
Why is this, and how does it work? The why is obvious - because P2P software is very easy to use and the temptation to download copyright protected material is immense. The way it works is that file sharing software enables you to connect to a part of the hard drive of any computer in the network, and download any files on that part of the door's hard drive.
So let's say you were looking for the latest version of Titanic. You login and enter 'Titanic' into the search box. That will come up with a list of seven movies beginning with the German 1943 propaganda movie (don't ask!) of that name, and ending with the 1997 Kate Winslet version, just after the (better to me) Catherine Zeta Jones 'Titanic' a year earlier that didn't get the acclaim it should have received.
However, back to ways to download free movies online and the original versions of the Titanic: the 1943 version would have now been in the public domain, its copyright (50 years) having expired. However, the movie and music moguls changed this to 70 years after the death of the originator. Walt Disney beware!
Nevertheless, you can likely download free movies online if the movie was first released 70 years ago. The originator's name could be open to argument, but it is unlikely that anybody will chase you for downloading the original 1943 version of the Titanic: the originator of that was Goebbels, Hitler's Minister for Propaganda! It showed Americans as incompetent dummies (who ended up the dummy then!). Nobody will complain if you download public domain movies such as these. 
In modern days however you can download free movies online by using P2P file sharing software and you can also use the same software services to download free music tracks and free games. You must make sure that the tracks and games you download are not protected by copyright, and the best file sharing software will warn you when a particular movie file or music track is protected. 
The reason why people still use this form of software in spite of the extension of the copyright period is twofold: 
a) Because they believe that the music and movie moguls are being greedy by extending the copyright period to long after their own deaths that makes it next to impossible to download public domain movies any more, and
b) Because many artists, particularly the younger ones, use this type of free publicity to let their names and their work be known, and while this applies mainly to music, it also applies to the younger movie studios that want to find the public's reaction to their work. So they make their work free for those that want to use P2P software to download it. 
Nothing illegal about that, and for many it works very well. When you download free movies online that have been written, produced and directed by amateurs you can often come across gems such as The Blair Witch Project and others that while not freely available, were nevertheless were frequently downloaded which undoubtedly contributed to their success.
However, it has to be stressed that to download movies online that are protected under the copyright laws is illegal, and you will subject to high levels of damages. While it is not illegal to download public domain movies, they are being legislated as no longer on the public domain. Nevertheless, it is not individuals such as you that the movie and music moguls are after, but the mainly Oriental cartels that have turned this into a very lucrative business.
For more information on how to legally download free movies online check Peter Nisbet's where you will also not only find out how to download public domain movies and music but find a list of them to download legally using P2P software.